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Virtual races


As a thank you for running for us and helping raise funds for charity, you can receive several rewards, prizes and benefits!


Your race fee will cover the following:


All virtual race participants will receive the following on or 1 week before race deadline if pre registering:


                   -Pre race fuel bar              

                   -Race medal (if you're registering less than 1 week                           before deadline will ship after deadline either with

                    bonus prize below or alone if not competing)



Bonus prize: if you submit your victory photo along with your race stats/time (via mapmyrun or fitbit) your reward prize will be sent to you. It includes:


                   -Thank you bonus prize and-


                   -$5 gift card to popular retailer!!!!



How it works:

We will have a scheduled calendar date for each virtual race we host. Participants can complete the race at their leisure at any date/time of their choosing as long as it is before or on that day/deadline. All races have a theme as we like to make it a fun and memorable experience for all participants. Dressing up, taking photos, creating teams and being creative are highly encouraged! We will have most creative photo prizes as well.


Note that dressing up or posting photos is not required but will be requested if you wish to win a prize.


Photos and race time submissions must be received within 24 hours of the race deadline as prizes will be shipped out immediately. 


Race time submissions must be sent from mapmyrun or fitbit (other tracking platforms may be accepted as well). For top prizes, the following must be shown in your stats:





        -email and username must be showing to confirm it is you

(see picture below)










Mileage challenges

What is it?


Similar to virtual racing, mileage challenges are done online and a great way to keep you motivated and train for longer distances/hit new goals. 


complete each challenge and get a prize with each!


30 mile Beginner challenge:


Not quite ready to commit to a full race yet? Do our beginner challenge and start with 1 mile per day, build to 2 per day and reach 30 miles in one month!



50 mile challenge:


medium level 1 month challenge. log in your 50th mile to receive your reward!


100 mile challenge:


advanced level 1 month challenge. A special prize will go out to finishers that send in all their stats!


Half marathon challenge:


Ready to tackle a half marathon?


This is a no time limit challenge. You can choose to run this virtually or join a future half marathon live race (coming 2016). Complete a virtual 5k, 10k and this half marathon challenge and you will receive the triple threat Virtual athlete award! See the prizes section below for more details! 



Visit our Challenges page for further details or to sign up here!


Complete ALL of the above challenges and you will receive the mileage conquerer prize listed below!!


Live races/team fundraising


Runners4charity will also have live races and team fundraising available in 2016. We will be fundraising for our charity partners as well as our nonprofit network: 


Use our virtual running to help train for a live race near you! We will be doing live races state wide. To sign up and view more info about upcoming live races, please visit our page and/or sign up and register for our event info emails!


For more info, click here


Information and details:



Our charities                    Live races        mileage challenges    rules

competitions/prizes        fundraising     terms/conditions 



Our charities


We our proud to work with charities world wide! Interested in having us raise money for your nonprofit charity or organization? Visit our contact us page and message us for details!


Currently, we fundraise for the following charities:


 Guatemala- education for the children:


Dedicated to helping children in Guatemala to have an education and excel in life and break the cycle of poverty in central America


Visit them at:




Children's miracle network hospitals 


Helping children with illnesses who can't afford healthcare get the treatment they need. Providing funds for 10 million children every year!


Visit them at:




St Judes children research hospitals


Helps find cures for the worlds most aggressive illnesses and has one of the top survival rates treating children.


Visit them at:




American Red Cross


Provides disaster relief- natural and man made. Such as fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, hazardous material spills, explosions and more


visit them at:


Kids heroes network


 This is runners4charities liveracing nonprofit team. This team consists of "heroes" running and fundraising on behalf of children both in the United states and central America. proceeds help provide food, clothes, education and more to children 


Visit them here on runners4charity:




mileage challenge
Live races
Our charities
competitions: rules and prizes


With every virtual race and mileage challenge hosted by Runners4charity, an option to participate in the online competition will be available. By agreeing to participate in the competition, you must submit proof of your race time/mileage completion to claim your prize(s).


You can do this by tracking your miles through or fitbit or another official fitness tracker. Subject to approval from Runners4charity. Also, some form of social media i.e. a photo of you running the race posted to our facebook or even a cell phone clip of your race may be requested, especially for top prize winners. Top prize winners will get a coupon code for a free item from our prizes page. Although healthy competition is great motivation we do not encourage animosity among participants. Everyone is a winner and contributing to a good cause. 


To submit your time/mileage, just visit our race results page and upload your images there. A runners4charity rep will review all images and determine the winner. Prizes will also be rewarded to most creative. Every participant will receive a tshirt and medal upon completion a long with a special goodie from the prizes page.


Grand prizes


For participants who complete the triple threat virtual races (One 5k, one 10k, and one half marathon) you'll receive:


The Virtual Athlete award!


~Virtual Athlete trophy 

~customized running tee with wording of your choice

~$10 gift card from retailer of choice


For participants who complete all mileage challenges, you'll recieve:


The Mileage Conquerer award!

~Conquerers trophy

~customized running tee with wording of your choice

~A $10 gift card from retailer of choice


For participants who complete both the triple threat virtual races as well as the mileage challenges, you'll recieve


Superman/superwoman award!


~Superman/superwoman trophy

~2 customized running tee shirts with wording of choice or sweatshirt

~1 night stay in 2-3 star hotel in area of choice*


     *subject to hotel's room availability, must be 2-3 star hotel with value under $150 and room must be booked atleast 2 weeks in advance to be comped by runners4charity. 


Terms and conditions


Read our terms and conditions below:


click here to read our terms and conditions


terms and conditions

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Want more info on upcoming races and contests? 

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